Thursday, August 25, 2011

where everyone smiles and where the sun shines

Summer is almost over, right? It's sad, we know it, but instead of crying, we suggest you to remember all good things that happened in the past three months. 
Talking about that, here are some pics from Satta beach party. From place, which reminds summer the most. Where everyone smiles and where the sun shines!

Vasara jau baigiasi, ar ne? Liūdna, verkti norisi, mes jus suprantam, tačiau vietoj ašarų pakalnės geriau tiesiog prisiminkit viską, kas geriausio nutiko per praėjusius tris mėnesius.
O kalbant apie tai, štai kelios nuotraukos iš Satta beach party. Iš vietos, kuri labiausiai primena vasarą. Kur saulė šviečia, o žmonės šypsosi!

Šventoji, Lithuania / Satta


Marella said...

Amazing pics!

Raez said...

ahhhh, i miss summer already!

xx Raez

Supergirl said...

Such a nice photos! I miss summer so much:)

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